Stacy Rabe
With a passion for Pilates, Stacy is centered and balanced between family and fitness. She has been blessed with her high school sweetheart Corey and their two beautiful children. She was born and raised in Oregon City and currently lives on a 5 acre farm in Beavercreek. Cooking, crafting, and gardening are a few of her hobbies. She has worked for Starbucks for 14 years and has 10 years of Pilates instructor experience. Originally certified through Fitour, has since trained at Imagodei Pilates Studio to gain further knowledge and precise technique. She is knowledgeable in Classical and Contemporary Mat Pilates. Her teaching style is calm, fluid, and low impact with a blend of stretch and strength. Stacy loves to embark on new challenges and meet new friends. Stacy encourages fitness for all ages and is excited to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.