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A Community Invitation

Deeply Rest Through Yoga Nidra

A free event with Meditation Teacher Liisa Pruzek

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
7:30 - 8:30pm

“Our body and mind have the capacity to heal themselves if we allow them to rest.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Stressed out? Sleeping poorly? Anxious, depressed, burned-out, irritable?

Let yoga nidra be your antidote.

What’s yoga nidra? The easiest yoga to practice! It’s supported rest pose (SAVASANA) or laying on your side if that’s more comfortable, (or in your favorite recliner) and listening as you’re guided through a body scan. 


It’s effortless relaxation. The best part? No experience required. And you cannot do it “wrong.”


30 minutes of this practice is like the equivalent of 2 hours of deep sleep.


Come learn and experience the tremendous benefits of this practice.

Meditation Teacher Liisa Pruzek

Liisa helps keep the magic flowing for all of us.

Liisa loves to combine thoughtful sequencing, a bit of anatomy and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice. She hopes that you will step off your mat feeling encouraged, refreshed and balanced.

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